Keep IT Simple


Welcome to Cloudology

We provide a range of services and technologies designed to enable our partners to focus on their core business. From start to finish, we deliver the right solution that works for your team and your business
Leveraging decades of our expertise and the most advanced technology solutions we solve practical business problems while cutting costs for our partners without over-complicating or over-pricing our solutions.

Why Cloudology

Our Team

Our team have decades of experience delivering cloud solutions which are focused on keeping your team productive

Our Partner Charter

We publish our Partnership Charter, our beliefs and values about how we do business


All of our products and services have security at the heart
We pride ourselves on industry leading monitoring and management to make sure your systems are safe


We believe that when your team have the technical tools, knowledge and skills available to them, they can make great things happen.

Road Map

Part of our partnership approach relies upon a common understanding of your goals.
Our road mapping exercise makes sure your technology develops in line with your business strategy, and without surprises along the way

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We keep IT simple. Every day tasks are automated so that our team are spending time on the things that matter.

Cloudology Blog

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